Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

15.12.2014 Joint Seminar Bochum, Duisburg/Essen, Wuppertal

18.11.2014|13:53 Uhr

15.12.14, Joint Seminar Bochum, Duisburg/Essen, Wuppertal in Wuppertal, mehr hier.


  • Richard Lärkäng (Wuppertal/Göteborg): Extending holomorphic maps from Stein manifolds into affine toric varieties

    One way of defining so-called Oka manifolds is by saying that they satisfy the following interpolation property (IP): A complex manifold Y satisfies the IP if any holomorphic map from a closed submanifold S of a Stein manifold X into Y which has a continuous extension to X also has a holomorphic extension. An ostensibly weaker property is the convex interpolation property (CIP), where S is assumed to be a contractible submanifold of X = C^n. By a deep theorem of Forstneric, these (and several other) properties are in fact equivalent. I will discuss a joint work with Finnur Larusson, where we consider the interpolation property when the target Y is a singular affine toric variety. We show that all affine toric varieties satisfy an interpolation property stronger than CIP, but that only in very special situations do they satisfy the full IP.

  • Christian Miebach (Calais): New examples of complex Schottky groups
  • Marco Spinaci (Grenoble / MPI Bonn)