School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Guest + lecture series: Eric Bedford

03.12.2023|00:00 Uhr

Lecture Series: Invertible Holomorphic Dynamics in Complex Dimension Two

Invertible Holomorphic Dynamics in Complex Dimension Two

by Professor Eric Bedford (Stony Brook University) within the AG Komplexe Analysis of Bergische Universität Wuppertal.

Lectures take place from 06.12.2023 to 13.12.2023 in rooms G.10.05
(Hörsaal 07) and G.15.25 at Bergische Universität Wuppertal:

Lecture 1 & 2 (Mittwoch, 06.12., 14:00 s.t. - 16:00, G.15.25)
Lecture 3 & 4 (Donnerstag, 07.12., 16:00 s.t. - 18:00, G.15.25): Slides 1-4
Lecture 5 & 6 (Montag, 11.12., 16:00 s.t. - 18:00, G.10.05): Slides 5-6
Lecture 7 & 8 (Mittwoch, 13.12., 14:00 s.t. - 16:00, G.15.25): Slides 7-8