Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

European Several Complex Variables Consortium, E-SCV

The European Several Complex Variables Consortium, E-SCV, seeks to promote the development and strengthening of the field of Several Complex Variables (SCV) and related areas of Mathematics among its European member groups. The basic document for this collaboration is the Memorandum of Understanding, MoU E-SCV.

Another main purpose of the Consortium is to foster exchanges between Europe and Greater China, i.e., Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. This initiative goes back to June 2012 when the Mathematics department, IMF, at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway and the Mathematical Sciences Center, MSC, at Tsinghua University, Beijing, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote exchanges of advanced undergraduates up to emeriti faculty.

One of the principal goals of the E-SCV Consortium is to stimulate the organization of regular joint conferences held in Europe and China. The purpose is to establish personal contacts and promote bilateral exchanges of students and faculty.

On the European side, Ljubljana and Trondheim can offer to organize SCV conferences. Members of the Consortium are welcome to propose other places and to include established conference and school series as part of this cooperation. We shall also strive to use the European conference centers such as Luminy, Oberwolfach, etc. The ultimate goal would be to rotate the organization of conferences among member groups of the European and the Chinese Consortia.

On the Chinese side, the MSC of Tsinghua University is creating a conference center at Sanya in Southern China. The facilities will be fully operational by September 2013. (See the related announcement concerning the Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum.) The MSC premises on the Tsinghua campus in Beijing is also a good location. Other MSC Consortium member institutions have also organized SCV conferences in the past. The MSC is running a yearly summer program for advanced undergraduates, masters students and PhD students.

(The previous description is derived from the E-SVC webpage.)