Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

16.05.2014 Joint Seminar Bochum/Wuppertal

07.05.2014|12:00 Uhr

16.05.14 Seminar in Bochum, mehr hier.


  • Alberto Abbondandolo (Bochum): Stable manifolds in holomorphic dynamics
    Consider a holomorphic automorphism which acts hyperbolically on some invariant compact set. Then every every point in the compact set has a stable manifold, which is a complex manifold diffeomorphic to real (even dimensional) Euclidean space. It is an open question whether this manifold is also biholomorphic to a complex Euclidean space. I will discuss the present state of this problem.

  • Judith Brinkschulte (Leipzig): An integral formula for sections of negative line bundles over pseudoconcave domains
    We will present an integral formula permitting to obtain finiteness results for the space of holomorphic L^2 sections of negative line bundles over pseudoconcave domains. We will also discuss applications to the problem of nonexistence of Levi-flat hypersurfaces in complex projective spaces.

  • Julius Ross (Cambridge): Canonical Tubular Neighbourhoods in Kähler Geometry
    Tubular neighbourhoods are a fundamental tool in differential and symplectic geometry. However in complex geometry it is well known that there need not always be a holomorphic tubular neighbourhood around a complex submanifold. I will talk about joint work with David Witt Nystrom in which we give an (essentially canonical) tubular neighbourhood around a complex submanifold of a Kahler manifold. As an application I will discuss the resulting "flow" that occurs, which in one complex dimension reduces to a well-studied flow in fluid dynamics.