School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Ongoing projects

  • Pluripotential Theory, Hulls and Foliations (DFG, 2009-2013)
    This project is funded by the DFG in normal procedure by means of one research fellow position, travel funds and material resources.
  • Analysis on singular complex spaces (DFG, 2011-2016)
    Emmy Noether junior research group funded by the DFG by means of one head of the junior research group, two research fellow positions, travel funds and material resources.
  • Integral Formulas on Subvarieties and Singular Analytic Sets (DAAD und CONACYT Mexiko, 01/2011-12/2012)
    Project in collaboration with Eduardo S. Zeron, CINVESTAV Mexico City, funded by DAAD and CONACYT conducted under the PROALMEX program.