School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Complex Analysis research group in Wuppertal

Research areas:

The research interests of this group lie mainly in the area of geometric and quantitative Complex Analysis incorporating many methods of real analysis. Geometry, Analysis, Topology and Algebra interact in this area in a natural way, generating a great richness of still unexplored phenomena. Applications thereof can be found in many subjects of Pure Mathematics (Analysis, Algebraic/Analytic Geometry, Number Theory, Topology etc.) but also in recent Theoretical Physics and in Scientific Computing.

Main topics of research of this group:

  • Pluripotential Theory (and Green's functions)
  • Polynomial and Rational Convexity
  • Solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann equations with estimates
  • Quantitative aspects of Bergman theory
  • Convexity properties of quasi-projective varieties
  • Differentiability on general complex spaces
  • The Levi problem for singular complex spaces
  • Geometry and cohomology of complex manifolds
  • Analysis on singular complex spaces
  • Andersen-Lempert theory
  • Groups of holomorphic automorphisms

There exist long-lasting research cooperations with groups from the following universities:

  • Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (G.Tomassini)
  • Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden (B. Berndtsson, M. Andersson, H. Samuelsson, E. Wulcan)
  • Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia (E. M. Chirka, S. Nemirovski)
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway (J. E. Fornaess, B. Stensones)
  • Paris 6, France (G. Henkin, T.-C. Dinh)
  • Lille, France (S. Ivashkovich, A. Sukhov)
  • Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France (V. Guedj, P. J. Thomas, A. Zeriahi)
  • CINVESTAV, Mexico City (E. S. Zeron)
  • University of Oslo, Norway (E. F. Wold, N. Ovrelid)
  • Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland (Z. Blocki, A. Edigarian, M. Jarnicki)
  • Bochum, Bonn, MPI Bonn